Many of my clients are…

Living with impacts of trauma

Many of us think of trauma as a one time event, and sometimes it is. But often the impacts of trauma are most significant when we have repeated experiences that overwhelm our ability to cope. This results in us coming up with strategies to make it through (that worked…you’re here now!) but sometimes aren’t as sustainable as we would like them to be— think shoving down your feelings and being strong/ calm; using substances to dull the overwhelm; relying on your super smart intellectual ability to circumvent your feelings. Sound familiar?


Many of my clients are queer, trans, and/or non binary. I love working with my community and in my work I draw heavily on my personal and community experience. This experience helps me translate my academic and continuing education learning into a supportive and non-oppressive practice for queer folks.

Practicing Alternative Relationship Structures

Many of my clients practice polyamory, consensual non monogamy, relationship anarchy or other less mainstream relationship structures like friends co-parenting or communal living etc. All structures have benefits and challenges. Want someone to help you navigate? I got you.

Experiencing Chronic Pain

If you know, you know. Chronic pain can be exhausting and impact all areas of your life. You’ve likely tried SO MANY things already. I can help you work in a way that is practical, yet deep, strategic, yet not overwhelming. We can work our way towards any feelings that are fuelling the pain and explore how different parts of you are responding to the pain. This will help you find more ease.


Many of my clients are formally diagnosed and many self-identify. Personally, I currently identify as “likely some kind of neurodivergent”. As you may know, the research is lagging. As a result, many folks are benefiting immensely from in person and online community-based learning about neurodivergence. I draw heavily on the lived experiences of neurodivergent folks to inform my practice. These folks are my friends, clients, colleagues and folks I follow online (both professionals and lay folks with lived experience of neurodivergence).


Who isn’t? I can help without gaslighting you and telling you your worries aren’t real. We can figure out together where these feelings are coming from, and make some internal and/or external shifts so life isn’t so hard all the time. I’ve been know to say to clients, “this isn’t a you problem” (don’t worry, we can still create strategies for you to feel less anxious- they might just be different in this situation than deep breathing exercises). I’ve also been known to say, “ok, so I think this is a place where slowing down and listening to your feelings/sensations might be helpful” (you don’t have to now how to do this, I can help).